It seems a shame not to share our photos and videos of some of our Singapore Otters with their pups taken in March this year (2017). This is just one of the families of Smooth-coated Otters (Lutrogale perspicallata) to be found in Singapore. This particular group of otters are long gone from their former holt location at Changi now.
Our Singapore Otters are world famous. They are being studied, have a huge local following, frequently appear on local and international news (though not in the studio), have featured in numerous articles, and have even starred in documentaries.
The Otters have to be careful around the busy channel where there is a constant stream of boats ferrying people to places such as Pulau Ubin.
In an interesting development, recent research shows that despite their physical resemblance to the Smooth-coated Otter only, our Singapore Otters are actually hybrids of the Smooth-coated Otter (Lutrogale perspicillata) and the Small-clawed Otter (Aonyx cinereus).
At Stephen Caffyn Landscape Design (SCLD), we have been involved in the design of Otter Holts and Shelters for our projects in Singapore as part of our proposals for habitat enhancement, increasing biodiversity, conservation, and environmental improvements.
We hope to get some of these designs built soon.
The little otter pups look so worried as they learn to swim
Otter pups learning to swim
Sometimes it's better to get a piggy back
Heading back to the holt after swimming lessons
On the beach at low tide
Some videos of the Otters on the beach and around their holt.
If you ever wondered what an Otter latrine looks like, here it is- photo below.
Otter Spraint (below) can be recognised by the fish scales present and often has a sweet smell (some people will say they smell of lavender). As can be seen in the photos they are dark when fresh, changing to grey over time as they dry out. Spraints are used by otters to mark territory and are therefore often made at prominent locations such as rocks, river junctions, near or under bridges, gravelly, muddy or sand banks, and of course near holts.
A big pile of Otter poo - A spraint site near the holt
Otter joking around
It's Otter nap time
Nap time next to the holt
The otters are so relaxed around people they will nap a few feet away
A lone pup gazing out to sea
Info Graphic of the 2 Otters species to be found in Singapore
You can report your Otter sightings in Singapore to the "Otterman" Sivasothi at NUS by clicking on the Button above to help further study of their distribution and behaviour.
N.B. We have met Sivasothi and can confirm he is indeed a mammal.
NParks Signage
Advisory signage placed at known Otter locations regarding what to do should you encounter Otters.
All photos by SCLD.
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Stephen Caffyn Landscape Design - Landscape Architecture & Environmental Design, Singapore