It seems a shame not to share our photos and videos of some of our Singapore Otters with their pups taken in March this year (2017). This is just one of the families of Smooth-coated Otters (Lutrogale perspicallata) to be found in Singapore. This particular group of otters are long gone from their former holt location at Changi now.
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On 31st March 2017, the Learning Forest at Singapore Botanic Gardens was officially opened by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong. He commemorated the event by planting a tree, Kopsia singaporensis, together with Minister of National Development - Mr Lawrence Wong.
The Learning Forest is a new 9.8 hectare extension to the existing Singapore Botanic Gardens, designed by Stephen Caffyn Landscape Design. The Learning Forest has a different theme and atmosphere to much of the existing Botanic Gardens, as it is more natural, and has a less manicured ambience.
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On Friday (31st March) the Prime Minister will be opening our Learning Forest project at Singapore Botanic Gardens.
The final preparations and general cleaning up are underway to prepare this 10 hectare extension to Singapore Botanic Gardens for the grand opening.
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Stephen Caffyn Landscape Design (SCLD) are pleased to announce that we have been awarded the Consultancy for the first phase of the Round Island Route (RIR), a 150Km recreational trail for pedestrians and cyclists around Singapore.
Round Island Route (RIR), Singapore
The Round Island Route is a proposed 150Km long recreational walking and cycling route that circumnavigates Singapore. The RIR will connect existing rural, industrial, civic, residential, recreational, urban, natural, cultural, and historic locations with exciting new features, facilities and elements.
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Went over to VivoCity to see the Festival of Biodiversity held over the weekend from 12th July to 13th July 2014.
Lots going on there with workshops for kids, lots of exhibits from groups such as NParks, Nature Society, NUS, and the Nature Photography group.
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Hopped in the time machine (it's bigger on the inside) to check out some of Gizmo's ancestors and got some great photos.
Dinosaurs - Dawn to Extinction at the ArtScience Museum until 27 July 2014
A Journey through 600 million years.
Discover what came before and after the dinosaurs, and learn all about the Dinosaurs themselves, the species, their environment, as well as how they lived and why they became extinct.
If you like dinosaurs (and who doesn't) then don't miss this great exhibition that walks you through millions of years of evolution focusing on the Dinosaurs.
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Kranji Marshes construction about to start
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A great video of two Otters checking out a Crocodile on a bank at Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, Singapore.
We are hoping to get visitors like these as well as the Birds at the new Kranji Marshes freshwater marsh nature reserve once it's finished.
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So I'm told that Palm Civets (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus) have been pooing on the Wildlife Bridge!
National Parks (NParks) Officers have spotted Palm Civet droppings on the bridge so it seems animals are already using the bridge - even if it's only as a toilet.
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Looking forward to getting the Contractor on board and starting the construction work on the Nature Reserve.
Some of the birds of interest we spotted on our visit:
3 Purple Swamphens (Porphyrio porphyrio)
1 Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea)
1 Yellow Bittern (Ixobrychus sinesis)
A flock of Red-wattled Lapwings (Vanellus indicus atronuchalis)
Several Long-tailed Parakeets (Psittacula longicauda) - our native Parakeet
1 Kingfisher - just a glimpse, probably a White-throated Kingfisher (Halcyon smyrnensis)
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SCLD's Kranji Marshes Project is out to Construction Tender.
Kranji Marshes Environmental Improvement Project Tender has just been published on Gebiz the Govt Tender Website, (5 Feb 2014). The environmental improvement project comprises habitat creation & enhancement, native planting, nest boxes programme, and the construction of facilities for visitors (boardwalks, carpark, toilets, shelters, bird hides & blinds, lookout tower).
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Find the article about the Wildlife Bridge over the Bukit Timah Expressway here and read more about the Eco-Link @ BKE and the wildlife and biodiversity it will help to conserve.
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