Gizmo is 13 years old today. Happy Hatchday Gizmo!
Gizmo's Bio
Name: Gizmo Grey Caffyn
Scientific Name: Psittacus erithacus erithacus
Gizmo has had some surprises recently - such his little brother Maximilian who is growing more mobile and active.
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Gizmo is 9 years old today. Happy Hatchday Gizmo.
It's a normal day at SCLD's office for him and I guess he will have to try to learn to say his new age.
If we ask him how old he is he generally still says "six" or occasionally if I push it he says "I'm five". Time obviously doesn't mean much when you spend all day flying round the office causing trouble.
So in celebration of his birthday here is a little gallery of the last nine years from his black eyed, clipped winged, messy feeding with a syringe arrival in the office, to his present acrobatic flying, white/yellow iris eyed, fully acrobatic flying, trouble making, talking and whistling self.
More information about Giz below.
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